Pine Knot Farms is a certified organic farm located twelve miles north of Hillsborough, NC, and is over 110 years old. Stanley Hughes is a third generation African-American farmer known as one of the first in the state to grow certified organic tobacco. He is also known as a progressive farmer, one who has recovered from changes in the tobacco industry and stood up to competition from corporate farms. We sell organic tobacco to the Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company in Oxford; pasture raise hogs and chickens, and grow organic produce.
In March, 2022, the NC Rural Center in Raleigh, NC named Stanley Hughes and Linda Leach-Hughes, the owners of Pine Knot Farms, Rural Entrepreneurs of the Year. Here are pictures of the award pamphlet and around the farm in 2022.
Gourmet Magazine featured our collard greens in their annual produce issue, lauding them as some of the best in the country. In the fall season, we are known for growing beautiful potatoes - the well-known red Beauregards and the white O'Henrys, that are perfect for holiday pies and casseroles.
The 2013 Farmer of the Year Award from the Carolina Farm Stewardship Association was presented to Stanley and Linda, who have an active program supporting youth as they prepare to become farmers. Given to a farmer to honor a career of outstanding contributions to sustainable agriculture, this is CFSA's most prestigious award at the 28th Annual Sustainable Agriculture Conference in Durham, NC, with over 1,300 sustainable farmers, agriculture advocates, foodies, educators, and experts attending. |

View a slideshow of the Farm to Fork Dinner
In 2004, Pine Knot Farms' Stanley Hughes was named "Small Farmer of the Year!" |

Where To Find Us
You can find us here on the Farm, 8906 Hester Road, Hurdle Mills, NC, Monday-Friday from 8 am - 5pm.

Our Farm Practices
- Crop Practices: Beneficial insect habitat, conservation easements, cover crops/soil building rotations.
- Crop Inputs: Factory farm manures, organic fertilizers, organic fungicides, organic pesticides.
- Livestock Inputs: Grass-fed only, grain based.
- Livestock Practices: Intensive rotation, pasture-based manangement.

Farm History
The farm, 125 acres, was purchased by my grandfather in 1912. At one time it supported three families and now it supports one.
As a child, I helped raise hogs, cows, and chickens, and grow large vegetable gardens. My father grew tobacco to pay the bills, while everything else fed the family.
In 1975, I started farming on my own, and for years I worked a 40 hour week while growing tobacco on the side.
In 1996, I began farming full time, growing organic tobacco, collards, kale, broccoli, beans, cabbage and mustard greens, with a willingness to farm without pesticides
I hope to continue to diversify what our farm produces.
Thank you for your continued support!
Contact Us at Pine Knot Farms - 8906 Hester Road - Hurdle Mills, NC 27541 - Email - 919.644.3276 | | |